I thought I'd share with you a few photos from my sewing room...yes, still calling it that, out of habit, I guess. This is an idea from the Aug/Sept/Oct issue of Where Women Create. I was inspired to create my own...a good place for buttons, snaps, rusty tin pieces, etc...
A cupboard full of goodies....fabrics, favorite magazines, old spools awaiting to be made into make-do's. See the little tin in the middle there on top? It's an old fruitcake tin...full of buttons that belonged to my Grandma Prewitt.... some people would of kept the buttons and pitched the old tin....nope...can't do it. I'll keep it forever! And yes, I do use buttons from it. It is so full of buttons, I'll never use them all!
And this is a little cubby box that I use for little bits of fabric that aren't so big they need to go in the cupboard. Much easier to keep track of in this!
Have a GREAT day...I hope the sun is shining in your world!
As I work to put this work space together for myself yet again, I struggle on what to call this space exactly. Over the years when I've had a work room, I've always referred to it as "my sewing room"...for that was basically all I used it for. But now I incorporate so much more into my work than just sewing, not to mention the computer space being in this room as well. Sewing or work room sounds rather boring yet "studio" doesn't seem to fit either. I guess because I've always associated a studio as a space set apart or detached from the rest of the house where this space is a room in the house. Spare or guest room doesn't suit as it's not set up as such a room. What do you call the area in which you create?
Speaking of which.....I just received a copy of this magazine I'd been reading about for some time. I don't know why I put off checking it out or why I stopped at just ordering the current issue! Awesome magazine!
Where Women Create.....Inspiring work spaces of extraordinary women
...do you think I might have a floss addiction? All this plus what I have carded in my floss organizer and yet when I'm working on something I seem to run out of at least one of the colors I'm using! Anyways...I'd better get back at it...just a bit more to do. I want to get back to creating tomorrow!
Hope you are having a great week! Let me hear from you.....
What do you call your creative space?
And of course he wanted to sit on Uncle Johns motorcycle....
Since it's so late, I took this to the mercantile rather than listing in my Etsy shoppe. As I mentioned in a previous post, the mercantile open house is right around the corner....
Randolph Mercantile Holiday Open House.....
Friday, November 6th, 9:30 am - 8 pm
Saturday, November 7th, 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday, November 8th, 10 am - 4 pm
Free gift with $30 purchase and free gift PLUS Randolph Mercantile sweatshirt with $100 purchase!
I'll take some pics in the next couple weeks.....
Have a GREAT evening!!!
This one was signed by Carl Edwards.....
I do remember this one being called..."Abracadabra"
I love this one.... it's called "Simply Riveting" donated by Sheet Metal Workers (yes, it's metal).....
"She has nice.....eyes"....by Dr. Whitsons office.....
An assortment of "wonder woman" bras.....
MIZ-ZOU....black & gold bras.....
Too cute...a Halloween bra....
And some more....bottom row, 2nd from left is done with duct tape .....
1 cup lukewarm water
1 pkg active dry yeast
1 egg
2 tbsp shortening
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
3 cups flour
Sift flour, sugar and salt together. In a mixing bowl, dissolve yeast in water. Add 1/2 dry ingredients. Add shortening and egg. Mix in the rest of the dry ingredients. Let rise until double in size. Knead down and make into rolls. Place rolls in greased pan. Let rise until double in size. Bake 20-25 minutes in 400 degree oven. Makes 12 large rolls. Enjoy!
This also makes for great cinnamon rolls!
Now on to start my day... I think I will spend the morning working on that stocking order...pieces are all cut, just have to start the stitching.
Have a GREAT day!