So how was your Halloween?!! I had a total of 3 trick-or-treaters...nieces and nephew. We live so far out in the country that we just don't get them out here unless it's family!
We finally had a nice weekend after a week of rain! It was windy on Saturday and had a slight chill in the air but I wasn't complainin' cause the sun was shining! I made a quick little trip to Columbia....I had so much sewing I wanted to do that I gave myself a time limit to be home by noon...I only went over by an hour. But, we made a couple stops that I hadn't planned on. On the way to Hobby Lobby, we saw a little sign for the farmers market so we followed it! There were at least two vendors that had eggs for get this... $3.00 - $3.50 dz! Makes me miss my chickens. Denni thought she saw a sign at one booth saying they were organic...I guess that makes a little bit of difference in the pricing.... Anyways...I got me a couple small jars of blackberry and peach jams. Now to make some homemade rolls or biscuits to try it out! Mmm!!! I think I just gained 10 pounds!
There were vendors with home-baked goods, honey, veggies, there was someone there with jewelry, another with pottery. Someone had blackberry plants. Had I known that, I would of prepared my spot out back to put them and bought some. But I have learned that unless I have the ground ready for plants to go into, don't buy plants! I usually end up losing them before I get them set! I wish I had found this sooner....I doubt I make it back there before they close for the year.
I spent the rest of the weekend tracing, sewing, cutting, turning, stuffing.....There are body parts everywhere! This evening, I'm staining!
I've also been working on a little punch needle project and that's about finished so I'd better get off here and get back to it....
Hope you have a wonderful week!!
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