It's been a few days since I last posted! It's been somewhat busy...I've been online off and on over the weekend but not for a very long length of time. Friday was shopping day with the sistas....I didn't take any pics until we got done shopping... and that wasn't all the bags!
Once back home, I cooked my youngest sons 18th birthday dinner!! Tell me, where did that time go?
I spent Saturday decorating the trees and mantles. This is my little german twig tree that I put my primitive handmade ornaments on. Didn't even use them all this year. I decorated our main tree in a more traditional manner...I still need a few more ornaments and a tree topper for it. Was moving pretty slow....been fighting a bad cold for several days now and ended up losing my voice.
Yesterday, I played hookie from church...Shh...and my sil, Sheila & I went to Columbia to do a little more shopping. Needless to say, I've got some gift wrapping to do today! I can't believe it's the 8th already! Two weeks + three days...two days if you want to count only til Christmas Eve!
What are your plans for Christmas? Do you do the same thing every year? How long have you had the same traditions? Ours has changed over the years as the family/families have grown and/or changed. We always go to church on Christmas Eve for candlelight service. We have our Christmas morning here with our kids...then usually go to the big Hess Family Christmas. John's folks have been in Texas over the past few years for Christmas so no gathering with his immediate family. We gather with my family in there somewhere....either a day or two before Christmas or on Christmas Eve before or after church service. Since my grandparents passing, Mom's cooked dinner for whoever can make it and doesn't have another gathering to go to.
Ely and Liz will be moving out just before Christmas so things will be changing here again.
Well I supposed I've rambled enough....I really need to get busy and wrap pressies and clean up this house a bit!! Have a GREAT day!!
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